Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Healthy Back For Cheap: Just One Advantage of Our Crappy Economy

You know the economy is in the toilet when your chiropractor is calling you weekly begging you to come in for an adjustment. There was a time when I had to wait days to get in to see her, but now she's calling me at odd hours suggesting all sorts of things I really don't need. It's like Avon only with multiple degrees and a cool table to pop your back on.

Our conversations go like:

Dr.: Hi, this is Dr. SoandSo. You really should come by and let me take a look at your back.

Me: But, my back feels great. Best it's been in years.

Dr.: But only through proper maintenance will it remain that way. I'll put you down for 3 on Friday.

Me: I really don't.......

Dr.: Come'll be great and I'll even throw in 15 minutes of neck traction for free!

Me: I think I'm busy.

Dr.: We have a new masseuse named Helga. You really should stop by and meet her.

Me: (A pause) Ok, you adjust my back, throw in the neck torture and Helga for free and it's a deal.

Dr.: See you Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! That is funny. Sometimes I feel my dentist is using those same techniques. At my expense, both pain-wise and money-wise!
